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HomeTechnologyTechnology is Driving the Push for Safer Vehicles

Technology is Driving the Push for Safer Vehicles

Stop for a moment and look around at the vehicle or vehicles you drive.

Now, would you state that they are as safe as they possibly can be?

If the answer to that question is no, you’d better do something about it sooner rather than later. Keep in mind that it just takes one auto accident to change your life (and those around you) forever.

If you’re lucky, that pending accident will be nothing more than a fender-bender. On the other hand, a serious accident could end up injuring you (perhaps worse) and hurting others, including loved ones and/or friends.

With that in mind, having recent technology along for the ride is always a good thing, especially when the focus turns to safety.

So, is technology driving the push for safer vehicles in your household?

Technology is Driving the Push for Safer Vehicles

How Technology Can Help Your Drive

In order for you to benefit from the technology of recent years and even today, you need to have a vehicle or vehicles that was either manufactured recently or has tech add-ons.

Either way, don’t overlook the role technology can play in keeping you and others safe out on the roads.

One such feature of recent years is backup cameras systems.

For those drivers using backup cameras for better road safety, the results are nothing short of fantastic.

With a backup camera system in tow, you can lessen the chances of not only having your vehicle struck from behind, but also hitting another vehicle and/or a pedestrian.

Typically mounted on your vehicle’s dashboard, the camera will give you a great panoramic view of what is behind you as you prepare to go in reverse. The camera also allows you to sound vision at night, making sure you see anything and everything within reach of your vehicle as you go back.

Another tech advance in recent years, something that many vehicle owners already enjoy on their newer cars and trucks, would be collision-avoidance systems.

These systems alert both the vehicle and the driver, allowing one or both to take action before striking another vehicle or even a pedestrian.

Finally, if you are thinking about purchasing a new car or truck, you very well may have the peace of mind knowing that it will come with curve-adaptive headlights.

These lights move the direction of lighting focus while you steer the vehicle, allowing you better vision if you are on a windy road etc.

Since it is not uncommon for accidents to take place on roads with various curves in them, having such lighting gives you one more advantage of dodging an accident or even a sizable animal (deer etc.) that might dart out into the road.

Your Role in Staying Safe

Even with the great technology out there for vehicles of all shapes and sizes, the driver is still the main focal point.

Since you’re oftentimes that individual, make sure you do all you can to be cognizant of everything going on around you on the road.

This means the following:

  • Avoiding distractions like cell phones, putting on makeup, reading the newspaper or another periodical, fiddling with the radio, and of course eating.
  • Don’t be that individual who drives way above the speed limit, weaves in and out of lanes, and attempts to outdo themselves in inclement weather.
  • Even though you think that last drink won’t hurt you, it could very well end up seriously injuring you or killing you. Worse yet, you could impact the lives of many others too. If you feel the least bit buzzed, have a friend drive or call a cab.
  • Lastly, if you feel the least bit drowsy, safely get somewhere off the road where you can catch a quick nap if needed. A power nap is much better than ending up in a serious accident because you fell asleep at the wheel.

As technology drives the push for safer vehicles, never forget the human element each and every time you turn the ignition on.


After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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