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HomeGadgetsSealed vs. Ported Subwoofers - Which One Should You Go For?

Sealed vs. Ported Subwoofers – Which One Should You Go For?

There are so many factors that you need to consider when buying a subwoofer. There are cost considerations as well as technical aspects that need to be sorted. All this can be overwhelming, and one is left with many things to consider. But what if you get to buy a pocket-friendly subwoofer. Of course, you will be more than happy. For this, all you need to do is, check out these Rockville subwoofers.

Sealed vs. Ported Subwoofers

One of the most important specs to consider is whether you want a sealed or a ported subwoofer. It may look like a small thing, and most people often ignore it. The quality of the audio is determined by, among other things, the box that makes the sub. There are two types of boxes that make up the subwoofer; the sealed box or the ported box.

There is a common misconception that a sealed subwoofer plays music better than a ported subwoofer. However, there is not enough information to back this claim. It is such kind of misinformation and half-truths that lead people astray.

So, which is better between a ported and a sealed subwoofer? Which one will serve you best? To answer this question, I dived deep into the specifics that are recommended by, and  explored the difference between the two. If you are unsure which one to go for, or you are about to choose between a sealed subwoofer and a ported subwoofer, the following information might help you out.

a) Sealed subwoofer

A sealed sub is a subwoofer that comes with a tightly knit box. The box is sealed, and there is no space for air to move in or out of the box. The sealed subwoofers are able to produce clear sound that is free from distortion.

b) Ported subwoofer

A ported subwoofer is one that comes with a box that has some openings around it. The open spaces are essential in allowing the air to move in and out of the box. This way, they can produce the loudest sound.

Now that you know the difference between these two, it is time to know how they compare. Here is what you need to know 

Sound quality

A sealed subwoofer has a better sound quality than a ported subwoofer. The difference is that a ported subwoofer allows air to move within the box, and it becomes hard to maintain the quality. However, it has a significant boom effect, which is one of its strongest points. A sealed sub, on the other hand, has a tight box that makes it harder for air to move. This way, its able to produce better sound quality. However, the sealed box does not have a big boom effect.


When it comes to size, there is a notable difference between the two. The sealed subwoofers are generally small in size, which is vital in ensuring they produce accurate notes and sounds. The ported subwoofers are large, and this is important in producing the big boom.


A sealed subwoofer tends to need more power. This is mostly because the air is tight, and moving the speakers takes more energy. The power is essential in helping keep it playing. For the subwoofer to be loud, it will need more power.  The ported subwoofer will require less power as the air moves freely. It is very efficient with the small power it gets from the amplifier.

General design

The general design of a sealed sub is a neat and compact box that is easier to place. Its cube-like shape is vital as it helps it blend in with the other stuff in the room. The ported subwoofer is vast, and most brands make them in different shapes. The size is vital in enabling it to play better. The large size means that the sub is easier to spot in the room and harder to blend it with the room.

Here are the main reasons why you should pick a ported subwoofer

  1. A ported subwoofer is loud and produces the best low-frequency audios. If you want the significant boom effect in your audio system, then go for the ported subs, the larger the box, the louder it will be.
  2. Ported subwoofers are better at getting sound pressure levels, better known as SPLs. They are essential in creating that deep bass intensity which takes watching movies to the next level.
  3. If you are all about size and loud subwoofers, this is tailored just for you. Since it comes in a large box, it will suit you perfectly if you have space.
  4. A ported subwoofer does not consume a lot of power, so it will be perfect if you want to conserve power.

Here are the reasons why you should pick a sealed subwoofer

  1. A sealed sun is all about clear and precise audio. It will give you a clarity that cannot be found in any other subwoofer.
  2. They come in a compact design, and you can place it anywhere in the room. It does not take up much space, and thus, it won’t give you a headache on where to place it.
  3. Sealed subwoofers are best known for producing the extra low frequencies, which is hard to get in a typical speaker. The sealed sub will spectacularly do that giving you superior sound quality.
  4. It comes in a small box which makes them portable and easy to install. Thou there are large sealed subwoofers, most come in small sizes.

 Parting shot

There you go, folks! That’s what you need to know about sealed and ported subwoofers. The decision to buy either rests on you. You are the only one who understands your own needs and which sub will fit in. It is essential to note that both the sealed and portable subwoofers are great additions to your audio system.

Having either will make your home theater system better. If you are all about accuracy and excellent bass output, go for the sealed subwoofer. If you are all about high levels of low-frequency audios, acquire the ported subwoofer. When you factor in all the other factors, the decision becomes much more comfortable to make.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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