Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeTechnology5 Reasons To Buy Dash Cameras For Fleet Vehicles

5 Reasons To Buy Dash Cameras For Fleet Vehicles

If you are operating a fleet business, you’ve probably considered equipping the vehicles with fleet dash cameras. These devices are user-friendly and more reliable, as dash cams provide a great investment return and should be considered as standard equipment. Here are the top 5 reasons one should consider buying dash cams for their fleet vehicles.

5 Reasons To Buy Dash Cameras For Fleet Vehicles

Proof on a Road Incident

The most precise justification to get a dash cam is to explain what happened in a road incident. Traumatic memories are difficult to keep straight and, besides, anyone in an incident wants to believe that they were not to blame. You can attach fleet dash cameras to know what exactly happened.

Monitors Driver’s Behaviour

To be honest, no driver is faultless. A vehicle tracker can warn you when a driver is unexpectedly exhibiting poor behaviour by speeding or braking, but sometimes data alone is not sufficient to explain the driver’s decision. The best way to find out what happened is to look through dash cam footage.

Helps with Fraudulent Claims

Offenders are targeting commercial vehicles for scams related to accidents. Criminals presume that these vehicles are well protected and, plan to create an accidental situation to earn menetory benefits. Such scams often include staged testimonials that can be difficult to overcome. Dash cam video represents the best way to fight back.

Make Decisions with Same View as Driver

With input from a fleet manager, a driver can sometimes need to make a tough decision. Maybe the weather becomes almost too bad to drive or, a detour looks alarming.  It can be difficult for a driver to explain the situation to someone who is not around. A fleet manager and driver need to look at the same thing with a live-streaming dash cam and decide what to do in any particular situation.

Listen what is happening inside the vehicle

Many dash cams include a microphone to let a fleet manager know what the driver is talking about in the vehicle.

KENT CamEye Can Help!

KENT CamEye is a location tracker cum dash cam and, has dual cameras that record inside and outside audio and video of the car. It also allows live video streaming of either of the cameras from anywhere in the world. It also offers real-time location of the car, and playback the route travelled by it on the map.  This device is a Non-OBD based plug and play device and is easy to install. The dash cam cum GPS tracker takes power from the 12V car socket, which does not interfere with the original electrical wiring or vehicle’s OBD port.

For more information visit us at – or can call our Customer Service assistant at 011- 66765030 to book a demo.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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