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10 Effective Brochure Design Tips

If you’re like most business owners, you know the importance of brochures when it comes to marketing your company. But what many people don’t realize is that there’s more to effective brochure design than simply slapping some text and graphics together.

To make sure your brochures design makes the biggest impact possible, follow these 10 tips:

1 . Brochure layout design 101: Know your audience

The target market determines the tone of voice, message, and overall look of your brochures. For example, if you are advertising a children’s clothing collection or spa package for mums-to-be, your colors will be cheerful and fun. On the other hand, if you are trying to recruit professionals for your finance company or inviting ex-pats to live in a new housing project, you would opt for more conservative colors. Make sure you get this right from the start, as changing your colors and images at a later date will be costly.

Brochure layout design 101

2 . Make your catalogue personal

If possible, include a photo of one of your staff or an image that portrays your brand’s values to help the client relate better to you. It could even be a picture of a client whose life has been changed for the better because of your product/service! This helps create a connection between you and the reader.

3 . Creative brochure design should be clear and concise

Your message should be clear and unambiguous when read by someone who knows nothing about you. Your brochure design should immediately speak volumes about what makes you different from anyone else in your industry so that people automatically understand what value they can add to their lives by doing business with you.

Creative brochure design

4 . The best brochure design use simple language and avoid jargon

There is no need to use jargon, abbreviations, or complex terminology in your brochure design if it may confuse the reader. Try to replace these with relevant keywords so that you do not lose a potential client who does not understand these words. For example, a doctor is better off using ‘contusion’ instead of ‘bruise’ in his patient’s diagnosis reports as the latter is more likely to be misunderstood by laymen rather than the former which has a clear medical definition.

5 . Avoid too many colors on your creative brochure

While there are no strict rules in this area, make sure that your message can still be read when printed on a black-and-white photocopier. This also saves you money in the long run, as printing full color costs more than black and white. Try playing around with different types of fonts instead to add variety to your design.

6 . Readability is the key

This tip is especially important if your target market consists mainly of senior citizens or people with visual impairment. Ensure that your font size is large enough for everyone who may be reading your brochure; otherwise, they might not be able to fully appreciate what you are trying to convey. If possible, use sans serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica) instead of serif fonts (e.g., Times New Roman) for easier reading purposes, even though these are deemed to be more difficult to read.

Effective Brochure Design Tips

7 . Use images that are relevant

Images should help the reader understand your message better. For example, if you are trying to send out a message about treating ailments by using herbal products, do not use photos of people drowning in rivers as this may lead the reader to make false assumptions about how great your herbal products are at rescuing real-life situations! You can include visuals that depict how wonderful it is to have good health instead.

Don’t have a lot of images? Then head out to Venngage, the best brochure maker app online, and start making some quality and eye-popping designs!

8 . Keep lines of text short and succinct

Avoid long paragraphs that will lose your target market’s attention. Use bullet points to highlight key features and encourage the reader to read on. For web pages, aim for 50-60 lines – anything more will have readers scrolling back up to reread what they have already read.

9 . Clearer is better

Clarity of message will save you time and money in the long run because you won’t need to rework or reprint materials as often. Once you finalize a draft with your client, proofread the copy yourself before sending it for printing or sending it out into cyberspace via email or print media advertising campaigns. You can never be too sure about an error slip-up.

10 . Think about the environment when designing your brochure

Print in 100% recycled paper and use green inks and/or vegetable oil-based inks to lessen the negative impact on the environment. When promoting online, opt for 100% green energy websites that use no power when not being used or prompt consumers with ways they can help improve energy usage.

Parting shots

Understanding the best type of brochure for your business is essential to creating a successful marketing campaign. It’s important to consider how you want potential customers to perceive your company before choosing what kind of brochure design will work best.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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