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HomeResources5 Tips to Help Your Create Personal Photo Collages

5 Tips to Help Your Create Personal Photo Collages

Do you remember those times where you used to cut out photos using your hand to create collages for others to see? What about those times where you had to spend hours trying to assemble the perfect fit and ending up gluing your hands? Well, those times are gone. With technology, you can create a memorable personal photo collage. In fact, the digital age has brought numerous possibilities—including creating different kinds of photo collages. According to stats, more than 1.1 trillion photos are created on a yearly basis. With technology, you can create numerous photos efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

Create Personal Photo Collages


Start by choosing the best program for editing your photo collage. With this strategy, you are sure of getting high-quality photo collages. There is an array of online programs. So, chose a program that suits your explicit needs. It’s also important to note that the operating system of your computer plays a big role in determining the type of program you choose. Do research. Ask friends. Seek advice from friends and even experts. Depending on your preferences, you are sure to get a program that will help you create an artistic photo collage.

Go For Complementary Colors

Complimenting your colors in the photo collage is important. With this strategy, you can create a pleasing collage and create a memorable experience.

Photo Size

Choose a unique photo size—it will help in reflecting its importance. For instance, if you are looking to highlight a certain moment, go for a larger size. Also, including more sizes is only going to make your collage exiting. So, play around with sizes. It’s one of the best tools you can use to highlight the importance of a photo collage.

Study the Layouts

The layout is important when it comes to creating photo collages. For instance,’s collage creator houses numerous layouts you can use to create your photo collage. So, be sure to sharpen your skills in this area. Remember, the way your photos are going to be organized plays a big role when it comes to size. For instance, if you are looking to feature a particular moment in your photos, be sure to centrally place it. It should be in the middle of your photo collage layout. Less important features or moments should be placed at the sides. They should be organized in such a way that they surround your piece.

Borders and Frames

Your photo collage’s borders and frames are important. So, be sure to choose the correct borders and frames for your collage. Using the pixelied’s add border to photo feature can help with borders and frames. Also, be sure to play around with different borders and frames. Do your research and employ your creativity. With this strategy, you can be sure of creating artistically appealing photo collages.

Additional Tips

Other tips you can use include:

The Power of Filters

Filters are all you need if you are looking for a unified mood. For instance, if you want to make different photo collages for different occasions, you can leverage the power of filters to create a unified mood. With filters, you have tools that will help you create unified photos in your collage.


Its timer to personalize your photo collages. Add more details to your photos. Make them more personalized. But, wait. How do you make your photo collages customized? Simple. It starts with adding text and boils to customizing the text to deliver a specific message.  So, send a unique message to your viewers by adding a customized text to your photo collages.


You don’t love grid spaces? Well, leverage the background image to add more depth to your photo collage. Use the background feature to fill those empty spaces. You can also go for designs like foliage, patterns, as well as random abstract.

Shape Crops

Want those funky options? Well, use shape crops. With this strategy, you can inject more quirky fun into that griddled layout of yours. It’s also important to note that photo editor tools house a myriad of shapes. So, you can be sure of getting a shape to shape crop. This feature can be accessed from the Crop menu.

Photo Taking Tips

Photo taking can be exciting and thrilling—especially when you are creating photos for your collage. However, the quality of your photo collage depends on how you take your photos. Poorly taken photos are only going to make your collage dull, unexciting, and fake. So, if you are looking to create wonderful photo collage, follow the following photo-taking tips:

Choose the right camera

The camera you choose plays a key role when it comes to the quality of photos you take. Look at the pixel capability of your camera. Learn how to choose the best camera.

Learn different ways of postures

Learn how to stand when taking photos. Your posture determines the quality of your photos. Remember, you are looking to take photos that can make your collage incredible. So, focus on your posture.


Smile is free. So, don’t frown your face. It will be captured in the photos. Remember, dull photos will affect the quality of your collage. So, pay attention to your smile. Also, consider taking several photos. From these photos, you can choose the best one to go to the photo collage.

Wear the right clothes

Choose your favorite suit. Go for those pants you treasure. Iron your shirts. The way you dress will determine the quality of your photos. This will be then translated to the photo collage.

Make your hair neat

Don’t take photos with shaggy hair. Comb it. Go to a Berber shop. Visit your favorite salon. Then pull that style you love and look wow in your photos. This will uplift your photo collage—something people are constantly looking for.

The Bottom-Line

Create your personal photo collages like a pro. With technology, you can create stunning personal photo collages that you can be proud of. Plus, you can bank on the above tips to create some of the best personal photo collage. From choosing the right program to learning how to take photos—these tricks are all you need to create those personal photo collages you have been craving for.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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